Installation & Configuration & Integration

Step By Step Installation


Login to your keymaster account, check Granted Assets section and download script you bought from us

Script Start Order

ensure es_extended
ensure dialog
ensure dusa_photographer

Add Items ( Item icons can be found inside dusa_photographer > items folder )

For default QB

['camera'] = {
	['name'] = 'camera', 				
	['label'] = 'Camera', 				
	['weight'] = 500, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'camera.png', 		
	['unique'] = false, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'Just a camera'

['photo'] = {
	['name'] = 'photo', 				
	['label'] = 'Photo', 				
	['weight'] = 100, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'photo.png', 		
	['unique'] = true, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'A nice photo'

['simoncoin'] = {
	['name'] = 'simoncoin', 				
	['label'] = 'Simons Coin', 				
	['weight'] = 500, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'simoncoin.png', 		
	['unique'] = false, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'Coin for Simons Tasks'

For OX Inventory

	['camera'] = {
		label = 'Camera',
		weight = 500,
		stack = true,
		close = true,
		description = nil

	['photo'] = {
		label = 'Photo',
		weight = 1,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = nil
	['simoncoin'] = {
		label = 'Simon Coin',
		weight = 1,
		stack = true,
		close = true,
		description = nil


Set Framework

Config.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb
Config.CustomFramework = true
function CustomFrameworkExport() -- Add the export here, as in the following example.
    QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
Config.PlayerLoadEvent = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded'

Configure Target & Inventory

Change options for your server

Config.Inventory = 'ox' -- ox / qbtoesx / normal (normal inventory doesnt include metadata photo item)
Config.MySQL = 'oxmysql' -- oxmysql / ghmattimysql / mysql-async
Config.Target = 'ox_target' -- ox_target / qtarget / qb-target / bt-target


Find Config.Dialogues in config and edit strings

Change Coin Amount When Task Is Done

Config.Reward = { -- \ Coin reward will be given
    Task_1 = 50,
    Task_2 = 35,
    Task_3 = 75,
    Task_4 = 40,
    Task_5 = 35,
    Task_6 = 30

Config.CoinPrice = 50

Changing money amount when player take random civilian photo

Returns a random value between specified values

Config.MinAmount = 50
Config.MaxAmount = 350

Adding New Zones for Photographing

You can find everything you need to know from this video! Credits goes to FlenN

After taking coordinates find Config.Zones in config.lua

Replace coordinates with this format

    ['pier'] = {        
        points = {
            vector2(-1609.3408203125, -946.39801025391),
            vector2(-1804.9250488281, -1178.9588623047),
            vector2(-1831.7236328125, -1157.5791015625),
            vector2(-1878.3553466797, -1213.0631103516),
            vector2(-1823.1083984375, -1259.9340820313),
            vector2(-1807.1856689453, -1242.6895751953),
            vector2(-1813.1685791016, -1235.8214111328),
            vector2(-1782.1947021484, -1198.9328613281),
            vector2(-1791.9382324219, -1190.732421875),
            vector2(-1735.6870117188, -1123.0230712891),
            vector2(-1675.9127197266, -1172.5362548828),
            vector2(-1519.0119628906, -983.07397460938)
        minZ = 2.035144805908,
        maxZ = 75.059997558594,                      

Last updated